Gary Smith
Who is your perfect customer?
As a Business Owner you feel you have a terrific product or service. You've worked really hard to develop your business and although it's doing okay you would really like it to be developing faster. So how much time and effort have you put in to understanding just who -- in terms of an ideal customer profile, you should be directing your marketing efforts/dollars toward?
If you're lucky you may have had a handful of perfect customers in the past. Those who became repeat buyers, gave you glowing tributes on your Review pages and recommended you to all their mates and wider family. This is who you are looking for to fill your customer data list. So, in the context of your particular service or product, who are they, and where and how can you market your goods or services to them?
The answer to finding your ideal, role-model customer will only come through research. This begins by asking a number of questions relevant to formulating a detailed personality profile.
Start by asking: What person, and in what circumstances, wants or needs my product or service? Out of this will spring more precise questions:
What can my product or service do better than others?
How old are they?
What is their gender?
Their Education level?
Do they work or are they a student?
What is their Profession or Trade?
What is their income range?
What suburban demographic do they fit?